By boat
15 min from the Vila do Corvo Quay

Also known as Pedra do Atlas, the Baixa do Moldinho (Moldinho Reef) is located about 450 metres from the northeast coast of the island of Corvo and emerges from a depth of 45 metres up to just 4 metres. It is only recommended for experienced divers given the high depth and the strong currents that one may experience here.
Since it is a remote location far from the coast, it is ideal for spotting large schools of pelagic species which regularly appear here, especially schools of Almaco jacks (Seriola spp.) and bluefishes (Pomatomus saltator).
Exploring the top of the reef and the surrounding areas, you will find several barred hogfishes (Pseudolepidaplois scrofa), parrotfishes (Sparisoma cretense) and dusky groupers (Epinephelus marginatus), in addition to an abundance of small fish that provide the seafloor with a colourful tone.