Mouro de Lemos
5 min from the Velas Harbour

Mouro de Lemos
Located in the sheltered Bay of Entre-Morros, opposite the dive site Baixa de Entre Morros, this dive site is accessible to everyone, with the exception of one section that that drops to 30 metres and is reserved for those with experience.
The dive begins alongside a rocky wall on the left side, where you will find two small caves. The deepest is the main attraction, located at 17 metres. Exploring the cave you will find its interior covered by numerous narwal shrimp (Plesionika narval) as well as small red cardinal fish (Apogon imberbis) that sometimes swim upside down.
Continuing along the wall after exiting the cave, you continue on to the deepest part of the dive. This is no longer protected by the bay and you may find stronger currents and waves. Because of this, it is the ideal place to spot pelagic species such as Almaco jacks (Seriola rivoliana) and yellowmouth barracudas (Sphyraena viridensis), as well as some stretches of black coral (Antipathella wollastoni).