Gruta e Ilhéu Negro
15 minutes from the Horta Harbour

Gruta e Ilhéu Negro
Located on the northwest coast of Guia Hill, sheltered from wind and strong currents, this dive starts along the wall of the small Ilhéu Negro (Black Islet) and drops to a maximum depth of 20 metres. It is an excellent site for all types of dive, including snorkelling, night dives and beginner dives.
The two main attractions are a visit to the cave of the Black Islet and the exploration of the islet itself. Located 100 metres southwest of the cave, the Black Islet comprises two large blocks of rock that rise from a depth of about 18 metres up to the surface.
The entire area between these two points is made up of slabs, with a gentle inclination that gives way to large blocks of rock and sand near the bottom. During the dive you can spot some pelagic species such as bluefish (Pomatomus saltator), yellowmouth barracudas (Sphyraena viridensis) and grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus).
When you reach the entrance to the cave, a wide triangle shape leads to a large chamber with amazing backlight effects and some interesting marine life. There are many different species of nudibranchs, starfish, European fan worms (Sabella spallanzanii), narwal shrimp (Plesionika narval) and cardinal fish (Apogon imberbis).